
Showing posts from 2007

Starting with the fountain/waterfall

After toying with all sorts of different ideas (see the concrete slab lying on the dirt pile?) for our new pond, we decided on a formal, rectanguar shape with a copper fountain. These pvc pipes will send the water from the pond to the copper pipes. The black end-caps were replaced with white before it was all glued together.

Lessons learned

Lessons: 1. Skimmers are important when you live next to a forest. 2. Liners that are glued together might leak. Brian has been fighting leaks on this one. We'll order a single liner when we do ours. We're also going to try to avoid having any holes in the liner for pipes or drains. 3. It's worth having a bottom drain, or at least a low spot where a pump can sit. 4. Salamanders love ponds. There are dozens in this pond and they often get stuck in the pump or skimmer. 5. It is difficult to modify a pond or remove the liner when rocks are mortared in along the edge. We'll try to make our next pond more serviceable.

Dead fishies

Lesson learned: Don't clean the pond with fish in it.

Making a splash

We just couldn't help it!

The liner goes in


Brian's underlay goes in


Brian's pond

Brian (brother-in-law and neighbour) decides he'd like a pond too. Go big or go home, right Brian?

So much work to do!


We've moved!

A new yard. This time we have a completely blank slate.