Building the bridge
The boys do some sanding. These are the cross pieces for the bridge. Here's the bridge in place. It was stained with Behr's natural stain. After putting it all together I'm thinking that the bridge is too much. It looks nice enough but all I see is bridge. It stands out so much that it seems to eclipse the entire pond. I'm now thinking about what to do about it. Perhaps staining it a dark colour, even black? Another option would be to drill holes in each plank. 8 -10 per plank ... drilled and routered ... yikes, that's a lot of work! As I was sketching out some ideas I also figured out that the bridge needs to be raised a bit to let surface debris make it to the skimmer. That thought led me to think about putting the skimmer under the bridge. Then I'd need to make some sort of access hatch in the bridge. Oh man, just when I thought this part of the project was done.